
We would strongly recommend that before you start to view properties you have a mortgage in principle in place. It is important that you have a detailed understanding of your current budget and the financial options available to you. Mortgage lenders will need to feel confident that you can afford the mortgage today, but also if the interest rate increases, so experts advise that you have three months of good finances prior to applying for a mortgage.

If you would like a guide to the cost of the mortgage and monthly payment, please use the BKD Financial Mortgage Cost Calculator by clicking here.

The figures provided by this calculator are for illustrative purposes only. It does not include all of the details you may need to arrange a mortgage loan. All mortgage loans depend upon the valuation of the property and the lender’s own criteria.

Gardiner Residential would be happy to review mortgage options on your behalf. If you wish to look into this for you, please fill in the form below and we will start the search!

Mortgage Assistance Form

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